If you would like to include the delimiters use this function:
import java.util.regex.*;
public static String[] tokenize(String str, String pattern)
return Pattern.compile("(?=("+pattern+"))|(?<=("+pattern+"))").split(str);
tokenize("4+3+43/5-ab", "[\\+\\-/]+");
will return an array like this [4,+,3,+,43,/,5,-,ab]If you would like to return the array without the delimiters included use this:
import java.util.regex.*;
public static String[] tokenizeSplit(String str, String pattern)
return Pattern.compile(pattern).split(str);
tokenizeSplit("4+3+43/5-ab", "[\\+\\-/]+");
will return an array like this [4,3,43,5,ab]